Algoritmização e redes sociais, Reificação digital, Comodificação virtualAbstract
Contemporary society is surrounded by new technological processes that offer new horizons. From social networks to mass communication applications, the idea of reducing borders and freedom of communication has never been more prevalent, resulting in an apparent emancipation of the internet user, who seeks, lives, and shares exactly what they want. However, certain technologies are governed by algorithms that determine how users will utilize the service. In other words, this supposed freedom of the individual is tied to mechanisms of behavioral control, which analyze their preferences and rejections to distribute content that encourages their increasing use of the platform. The user begins to believe that their worldview is the norm making them alienated from the reality around them. In this way, through a bibliographical reference methodology, employing an inductive and investigative approach, under a marxist analysis, from a critical perspective of the phenomenon of social networks and algorithms, and utilizing books, articles, and works addressing the topic, the nuances of the reification process resulting from the algorithmization of capitalist society were analyzed. The conclusions reached indicate that the confusion between personal identity and virtual profile favors the monopoly of platforms, transforming individuals into exploitable products. The resulting dehumanization, marked by the loss of empathy and genuine connection, necessitates a profound reflection on the social consequences caused by algorithms in the digital era.
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