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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission can be made by up to three authors, with at least one of them being a Doctor or a Ph.D. candidate.
  • The contribution must be original and unpublished, and it should not be under consideration for publication by another journal. Otherwise, justification must be provided in the "Comments to the Editor."
  • The text follows the style standards and meets the requirements described in Author Guidelines.

  • The files should be submitted in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, or RTF format and should not exceed 2MB.
  • The authorship identification of the submission (name, affiliated institution, positions held, email, academic qualifications, etc.) must be removed from the article and file properties, ensuring confidentiality for the double-blind peer review of the journal, as per the instructions available at Evaluation Process.
  • The abstract and introduction must include the justification of the text, its objectives, and the methods and materials employed. Additionally, the obtained results should be an integral part of the introduction.
  • Authors will have a period of 15 days to make corrections, when necessary, based on changes suggested by the Editorial Board or reviewers.

  • Tables, graphs, charts, and figures, in general, should be inserted in the body of the text and not at the end of the document. They should adhere to the IBGE Table Presentation Standards. The original files, in editable format, should be submitted as attachments with the submission.
  • Upon submitting manuscripts to the Revista de Estudos Jurídicos da UNESP, the authors and coauthors declare that:

    a) They submit the article freely and voluntarily, granting authorization for publication in the case of approval;

    b) They consent to gratuitously transfer the copyright to the work to the Revista de Estudos Jurídicos da UNESP, authorizing its publication in future editions of the journal;

    c) They are free and unencumbered to make the transfer, with no encumbrances, charges, or contracts preventing them from doing so;

    d) They are the author(s) of the texts and content comprising the article and/or have the authorization of the authors and/or coauthors to submit and transfer rights;

    e) They assume full responsibility for the originality of the work in accordance with Law No. 9,610, of February 19, 1998 (Copyright Law);

    f) They grant the Revista de Estudos Jurídicos da UNESP complete prerogatives for choosing the editor, means of publication, reproduction, disclosure, circulation, format, and everything necessary for the effective publicity of the work after approval;

    g) They did not use research involving human subjects or, if conducted, it followed the determination of the National Health Council Resolution (CNS 196/96), with approval from the Research Ethics Committee of the author(s)' institution or where it was conducted (attached to this submission). The authors/responsible parties have the Free and Informed Consent – FIC available for consultation and verification;

    h) They provide accurate and truthful information, did not create false identities, and did not use subterfuge to deceive individuals, institutions, or obtain benefits of any kind;

    i) They are responsible for any and all information, subject to administrative and legal implications arising from inaccurate or false statements that may cause harm to the Journal or third parties (Articles 298 and 299 of the Brazilian Penal Code);

    j) They do not use the journal for illicit, prohibited, or illegal purposes and do not violate the privacy or rights of third parties, including copyright or intellectual property rights.
  • The authors' information, such as full name, institution, positions held, email, academic qualifications, Lattes, ORCID, including the curriculum that should appear in a footnote on the initial page of the article in case of eventual publication, must be inserted on the website during the submission process. Authors are responsible for keeping this information updated. All metadata should be provided in the system, noting that in the case of funded research, the information should be entered in the "Comments to the Editor."
  • In the body of the text, citations should follow the author-date citation system (according to ABNT NBR10520:2023 or the standard that replaces it). The use of footnotes is exclusively for substantive observations regarding the content of the text. References should be prepared in accordance with the norms of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (NBR6023:2018 or the standard that replaces it) and presented at the end of the text, separated from each other by a space and aligned to the left.

Author Guidelines

The manuscripts must be submitted exclusively through the electronic system of the journal. Authors need to register in the system before starting the submission process.

Here are the guidelines for submitting the work. Non-compliance with the rules may result in rejection of the evaluation and, consequently, publication in the journal. To facilitate the development of the manuscript, the journal provides an article template. In case of doubts, contact:



1.1 Information about the authors (full name, institutional affiliation, title, among others) should not appear in the article. The authorship identification must be removed from both the article and the file properties.

1.2 Works can be written in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German.

1.3 The text should contain a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 30 pages, including references.

1.4 Paper formatting: A4, top and bottom margins 2cm, left and right margins 3cm.

1.5 The text should be single-spaced, Times New Roman font, size 12, with no space between paragraphs, and justified. Italic should be used for foreign words.

1.6 The text must include the following elements: title, title translated into English, table of contents, abstract, keywords, abstract, keywords, introduction, section titles, conclusion, and references.

1.7 The abstract and introduction should include the justification of the text, objectives, methods, and materials used. The abstract should also include the obtained results.

1.8 Tables, graphs, charts, and figures, in general, should be inserted in the body of the text and not at the end of the document, following the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) Tabular Presentation Standards. The original files, in editable format, should be submitted as attachments to the submission.

1.9 Reviews:

  • 1.9.1 In the case of a review, the text should not exceed 5 pages, including references, notes, tables, etc.;
  • 1.9.2 Reviews should be of books published in the last two years, counting from the year of the review submission;
  • 1.9.3 The use of abstract and introduction is optional;
  • 1.9.4 Descriptive reviews will not be accepted;
  • 1.9.5 Reviews will be evaluated considering: a) the thematic adequacy of the reviewed work to the journal's scope; b) the relevance of the work itself in the field of knowledge; and c) the quality and critical approach of the review.

1.10 Translations:

  • 1.10.1 Translations have no length limit, and their stylistic and citation elements from the original text can be retained. Once approved, the Editorial Team may suggest adaptations;
  • 1.10.2 Once the text is approved, the Editorial Team may suggest adaptations;
  • 1.10.3 The following information should be included as an attachment in the "Comments to the Editor" field:
    • Original text or link to the available location;
    • Situation of the patrimonial rights of the translation or republication;
    • Complete information about the original work;
    • Available information about the authors of the original text (full name without abbreviations, title, institution to which they are or were affiliated, and email, if available);
    • Complete details of all translators;
    • Any other useful information for the translation rights acquisition process, including information about contacts with the original rights holders, copies of emails, etc.



2.1 Title (centered, uppercase, bold, size 13);
2.2 Title translated into English (centered, uppercase, italic, size 13);
2.3 Table of contents (justified text, size 10, containing the article divisions), in the following model:

SUMMARY: Introduction. 1 Title of the first section. 1.1 Subtitle of the first section. 1.2 Subtitle of the first section. 2 Title of the second section. 3 Title of the third section. Conclusion. References.

2.4 Abstract (maximum of 250 words, in the vernacular language, justified text, size 10);
2.5 Keywords (minimum of 3 and maximum of 6, justified text, size 10, separated by semicolons and ending with a period);
2.6 Abstract (abstract in English, justified text, size 10, italic);
2.7 Keywords (keywords in English, justified text, size 10, italic, separated by semicolons and ending with a period);
2.8 Introduction (left-aligned, uppercase, bold, size 12);
2.9 Section titles (left-aligned, uppercase, bold, size 12, numbered);
2.10 Subsection titles (left-aligned, bold, size 12, numbered);
2.11 Conclusion (left-aligned, uppercase, bold, size 12);
2.12 References (left-aligned, uppercase, bold, size 12);
2.13 Section numbers and titles should be separated by a space.



3.1 In the body of the text, citations should follow the author-date system (according to ABNT NBR10520:2023 or the standard that replaces it), i.e., citations should appear in the body of the text with the author's surname only with the initial capitalized, year, and page, in the case of direct quotes.

  • Example of direct quote: "The Maria da Penha Law (LMP) is the main legal instrument for the protection of women in situations of domestic and family violence" (Campos, 2015, p. 393).
  • Example of indirect quote: Thus, the diversity of women's life situations, the heterogeneity of network perspectives (Santos, 2015), and Brazil's geographical diversity do not allow for a generalized conclusion.

3.2 Direct quotes with fewer than three lines should be presented in the body of the text, without italics, in quotation marks, followed by the source indication, in the author-date system.

3.3 Direct quotes with more than three lines should be in a separate paragraph, font size 11, without italics and without quotation marks, observing a 4cm indent from the left margin.

3.4 The use of footnotes is exclusively for substantive observations regarding the content of the text.



4.1 URLs for references should be provided when available.

4.2 Author names should be abbreviated, only with initials, in uppercase.

4.3 References should be prepared according to the standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (NBR6023:2018 or the standard that replaces it) and presented at the end of the text, separated by a space and left-aligned. Examples:

a) Books:

SURNAME, Name (abbreviated). Title of the work. City: publisher, year.

DUARTE NETO, J. (org.). The thirty years of a republican constitutional order: public law in motion. São Paulo: Cultura Acadêmica, 2019. 230p. ISBN 978-85-724-9053-5.

ONSECA, M. H.; CARDOSO, J. A. (org.). Work in times of crisis in Latin America. Franca: Cultura Acadêmica, 2019.

b) Book chapter:

SURNAME, Name (abbreviated). Chapter title. In: ORGANIZER'S SURNAME, Name (abbreviated) (indication of organization or coordination). Title of the work. City: publisher, year. initial-final page.

DUARTE NETO, J. The Brazilian Federation, the Supreme Federal Court, and the right to health: judicial reconstitution of constitutional federal competences from the COVID-19 pandemic. In: LEAL, R. S. (org.). The Federal State in times of pandemic: reflections from the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court. São Paulo: Dia a Dia Forense, 2022.
FREITAS, M. J.; MACHADO, C. M. G. M.; ALMEIDA, V. H. Genetic discrimination in the labor market from the perspective of legal and bioethical principles, Brazilian legislation, and jurisprudence. In: MARCHETTO, P. B.; LEITE, T. S. C.; FARIA, L. O. (org.). Fundamental Themes of Law and Bioethics. São Paulo: Cultura Acadêmica, 2021. p. 22-41.
BORGES, D. D.; BUCCIOLI, B. B. The prohibition of single-use plastic: implications for sustainable development. In: SION, A. O.; FRANÇA, L. G. (coord.). ESG: New Trends in Environmental Law. Rio de Janeiro: Synergia, 2021. p. 104-112.

c) Article published in a journal:

SURNAME, Name (abbreviated). Article title. Journal title, city, year, number, volume, initial-final page, year. Available at: link. Access on: access date.

PEDROSO, L. M.; ALMEIDA, V. H. Non-pecuniary damage resulting from (labor) environmental disasters: an analysis of the cases of Brumadinho, Mariana, and the COVID-19 pandemic from the Brazilian labor reform. Journal of Legal Studies of UNESP, Franca, v. 24, n. 39, p. 93-111, 2021. DOI: 10.22171/rej.v24i39.3372. Available at: Access on: March 29, 2023.
BRAGA, A. G. Much sea: entries, routes, and locations of a research in a Portuguese prison. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, [S.l.], v. 9, p. 1-36, 2022. DOI 10.19092/reed.v9.546. Available at: Access on: March 29, 2023.
BORGES, P. C. C.; GARBELLINI FILHO, L. H. Consent in sexual trafficking under the hammer of the Judiciary: the practices and discourses of judges. Rev. Law and Pract., Rio de Janeiro, v. 13, n. 4, p. 2374-2403, 2022.

e) Work published in the proceedings of a scientific event:

SURNAME, Name (abbreviated). Title of the work. In: EVENT NAME, edition., year of the event, city of the event. Title of the document. City of publication: publisher, year. initial-final page. Available at: link. Access on: access date.

SANSÃO, E. C. Intersections on women's work relations in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: an assessment of precariousness, informality, and gender inequality. In: I INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR OF THE RESEARCH AND LEGAL OBSERVATORY NUCLEUS "Rethinking Contemporary Work" (RETRAB): Rethinking work in times of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020, Franca. International Seminar of the Research and Legal Observatory "(Re)thinking Contemporary Work"(RETRAB): Rethinking work in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Franca: UNESP, 2020. p. 731-742.
BRAGA, A. G. M. et al. Discourses of incarceration: the role of rap in expressing the subjectivities of women incarcerated in the Public Jail of Franca-SP. In: 7th BRAZILIAN CONGRESS OF UNIVERSITY EXTENSION, 2016, Ouro Preto. Proceedings [...]. Ouro Preto: UFOP, 2016. p. 1-16. Available at: Access on: March 29, 2023.

f) Reviews:

DUARTE NETO, J.; SILVA, R. C. Review of the work "Latin American Constitutionalism (1810-2010): The Engine Room of Constitution," by Roberto Gargarella. Journal of Legal Studies of UNESP, Franca, v. 24, n. 40, p. 447-454, 2022. DOI: 10.22171/rej.v24i40. Available at: Access on: March 29, 2023.

g) Theses and dissertations:

KAWAMOTO, L. E. Electronic and electrical equipment waste under an interdisciplinary analysis: characteristics, challenges, standards, and proposals for proper management. 2022. Dissertation (Master's in Law) - Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, São Paulo State University, Franca, 2022. Available at: Access on: March 29, 2023.
TRISTÃO, A. C. Characterization of environmental sexual harassment against women in labor relations from the perspective of the jurisprudence of the Regional Labor Courts of the 2nd and 15th Regions. Advisor: Victor Hugo de Almeida. 2020. 97 f. Dissertation (Master's in Law) - Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, São Paulo State University, 2020. Available at: Access on: March 29, 2023.

h) Laws, bills, and other normative acts:


BRAZIL. [Constitution (1988)]. Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, October 5, 1988. Brasília, DF: Presidency of the Republic, 1988. Available at: Accessed on: March 29, 2023.

BRAZIL. Law n. 10,406, of January 10, 2002. Establishes the Civil Code. Brasília, DF: Presidency of the Republic, 2002. Available at: Accessed on: March 29, 2023.

i) Jurisprudence:


BRAZIL. Supreme Federal Court (2nd Panel). Extraordinary Appeal 313060/SP. Appellant: Bank of the State of São Paulo S/A – BANESPA. Appellee: Municipality of São Paulo. Reporter: Min. Ellen Gracie, November 29, 2005. Available at: Accessed on: August 19, 2011.

BRAZIL. Superior Court of Justice. Summation No. 333. A writ of mandamus is admissible against an act performed in a bidding process promoted by a mixed-economy company or a public enterprise. Official Gazette: section 1, Brasília, DF, year 82, no. 32, p. 246, February 14, 2007.

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