In the opportunity to close the 2023 continuous flow of the journal, we would like to thank GEPESSE for kindly providing the event art to compose the cover of this edition of the magazine and for being decisive in the composition of ad hoc evaluators and mobilizing so that the productions and manuscripts are available for the scientific community of Social Work and related areas. This edition, volume 32, managed to bring together undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers and professionals around various themes related to one of the fastest growing areas in Social Work in Brazil, education. The inclusion of social workers within the scope of Education Policy, especially in basic education, following the promulgation of Law No. 13,935, of December 11, 2019, represents efforts by the collective of professionals, Universities and representative entities (Read: CFESS/CRESS, ABEPSS and ENESSO) than data from the year 2000.Downloads
Os manuscritos aceitos e publicados são de propriedade da revista Serviço Social & Realidade.Os originais deverão ser acompanhados de documentos de transferência de direitos autorais contendo assinatura dos autores.
É vedada a submissão integral ou parcial do manuscrito a qualquer outro periódico. A responsabilidade do conteúdo dos artigos é exclusiva dos autores.
É vedada a tradução para outro idioma sem a autorização escrita do Editor ouvida a Comissão Editorial.