
  • Maria Cecilia Fagundes da Costa


The present scientific work was developed by a group of students from the course of Social Work at the University at the University of Anhanguera (unit Republic/ PA) and has as its main objective through bibliographic research conducted documentary meet the varied concepts of public policies, as well as their real applicability in each macro region can be a valuable tool for the professional in Social Work that can act in (re)formulation of public policies already implemented or in the construction of others that aim to change the social reality found. Being aware of all of the action plans and the role of governments in choosing their priorities are valuable information for this professional to achieve social well being as desired. We suggest the end of even that public policies can minimize the social inequalities and combat this harsh reality, to build a more just society and egalitarian, where everyone can feel citizens and exercise their rights fully and democratically as is guaranteed in the Federal Constitution of 1988 and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948).

Author Biography

Maria Cecilia Fagundes da Costa

Graduando em Serviço Social pela Universidade Anhanguera - Uniderp (junho - 2017). Atualmente, estagia no Centro de Internação do Adolescente Masculino no Bairro do Sideral em Belém do Pará (CIAM-Sideral) através da Instituição Concedente à Fundação de Atendimento Socioeducativo do Pará (FASEPA). Adquiriu com o estágio supervisionado experiência no trato com adolescentes em conflito com a lei, com ênfase na aplicabilidade das Medidas Protetivas Socioeducativas.




